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Full Service Digital Marketing and Business Development Firm
SAM Registration/Renew | DSBS/ SAM Optimization | Contracting Essentials | Capability Statement | Certifications | GSA Schedule | Contractor Training and Engagement Coaching
Did you get any awards in Fiscal Year 2022?
Are your registrations current and optimized?
We offer full-service support for SAM & DSBS Optimization.
Federal visibility & market exposure in Small Business Certifications.
Get daily bid opportunities through our Market Intel.
Full Service Digital Marketing and Business Development Firm
Business Expenses
Brand Guidelines
Capability Statement
We market your business to win.
Made is your all-in-one solution for business development and marketing
Follow our Government Preparation Level Plan (GPLP)
1. Get Registered and Optimized
SAM Registration
System Award Management
Federal Accounting Record
DSBS Registration
Dynamic Small Business Search
Federal Marketing Record
2. Verified for Federal Visibility and Market Exposure
Complete, update and review all federal registration data then information is transferred to FederalMade portal with partners in searchable database for federal buyers.
3. Capability Statement
Government Landing Page
"World Class" company resume reflective of your capabilities, narrative, NAICS, contacts, past performance, keywords, ect.
4. Target Market Research
Marketing Action Plan
Made Connections Package
RADAR Report Analysis
Real Time Data Analysis Report
Market Intel Package
Your profile is matched against multiple contracting databases to find buyers that buy what you sell.
5. Become a Preferred Government Contractor and Win Awards
Certifications: veterans, women, socioeconomically disadvantaged, HUBzone
GSA Schedule: New, Renewal, Mods, Review and Engagement Coaching
The clauses below outline the different types of modifications.
Mass Modifications
MAS Mass Modifications are issued directly to contractors via the mass mod system. Mass Mods should be signed within 90 days of receipt. Each mass modification will outline the significant changes impacting the solicitation and your subsequent contract. Significant changes may vary depending on the offerings on your contract. If you do not sign a mass modification prior to the next modification release, the unsigned mass mod changes will roll into the new Refresh mass mods. In other words, if you have not signed Refresh 2 by the time Refresh 3 is released, when you sign Refresh 3 it will include changes from Refresh 2 and 3.
Here is a breakdown of the significant changes associated with the MAS Solicitation Refresh Mass Modifications:
FY 21 MAS Refresh Significant Changes [PDF - 93 KB]
Contractor Initiated Modifications
Key component: Understand when you need to initiate a modification for your Schedule and when GSA will initiate modifications that may impact your Schedule.
Review the following MAS solicitation clauses:
552.238-82 Modifications (Federal Supply Schedule) (Jan 2022) (Alternate I - MAR 2020)
552.238-82 Modifications (Federal Supply Schedule) (Jan 2022) (Alternate II - MAY 2019)
GSA has developed a single MAS modification guidance, along with Price Proposal Templates. This guidance includes all modification types available in eMod and is meant to ensure that contractors are aware of the information needed to successfully prepare and submit modification requests to their Contracting Officer/Contracting Specialist (CO/CS). Please click below to download the MAS modification guidance and Price Proposal Templates.
MAS Modification Guidance [PDF - 797 KB]
Sample Cover Letters [PDF - 303 KB]
GSA has developed these cover letters to assist contractors with the information outlined in the MAS Modification Guidance. Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contract holders should fill in the information noted in blue text for each sample submitted. These cover letters are samples only; please customize according to your specific needs. Information can be added and/or deleted as needed for each requested mod type.
Modification Price Proposal Template - Services and Training [XLSX - 315 KB] - Click here to watch a brief overview of the template.
Modification Price Proposal Template - Products [XLSX - 799 KB] - Click here to watch a brief overview of the template.
A modification is required whenever a change is made to your Schedule contract. Most frequently, changes are made to products and/or services, prices, or terms and conditions. However, modifications are also required for administrative changes such as authorized negotiators, address(es), phone/fax numbers, and key personnel. When initiated by the contractor, modification requests must be submitted electronically using eMod by your company’s Contracting Administrator, often referred to as the Point of Contact (POC). For information specific to your Schedule, please visit the Vendor Support Page, "Modification Options".
Should your firm need to modify your contract, please check your GSA Schedule Offerings page to make sure you are not missing any specific instructions related to your contract. Additionally, your company is responsible for keeping all authorized negotiators and agent delegations up-to-date in the system. For example, if you delegated pre-award responsibilities to a consultant or third-party agent and do not intend for these agents to represent your firm following contract award, you must specifically request that these agents be removed as authorized negotiators from your contract. Additional helpful information about processing modifications can be found through the eOffer/eMod Help Center.
If you are a dealer/reseller of COTS products, and are adding a new manufacturer to your existing contract, you must submit a Letter of Supply, unless your manufacture participates in the Verified Products Portal (VPP); if they are VPP participants, you do not need to provide a Letter of Supply. GSA recommends checking the Verified Products Portal Participation Dashboard to determine if your products come from a manufacturer participating in the VPP. For more information about the Verified Products Portal, see attached "MAS Contractor - VPP Implementation Q&A"d [PDF - 123 KB]
Local, State and Federal
Course Curriculum
Made Member
Gain Mass Exposure
Professional Accounting
Once you’ve found an opportunity to pursue, what’s next?
Need to make a good first impression? Capabilities Statement
Need better visibility? Government Landing Page
Need help finding the right buyers to talk to? Federal Connections
Need a complete government marketing plan? Marketing Action Plan
Need a full-service GSA Schedule team? GSA Schedule
Education. Strategy. Execution.
This is government contracting made simple.
Quick SAM Set-up and DSBS Optimization
Your first step in registering to participate in the $600+ Billion federal contracting market.
Ensure your registrations with SAM, DSBS, and the Made Marketing Directory with Federal partners are aligned, optimized, competitive, visible, and verified. We make sure your federal registrations are done right the first time to help you compete and win government contracts.
GSA Schedule
With Made's expert support, you can become a preferred government vendor.
Made Marketing's GSA Schedule Proposal Assistance Program is designed for companies who want Made to handle the entire proposal preparation process. The outcome of the work is a ready-to-submit GSA Schedule proposal, written for easy GSA review and award.
You provide us with corporate experience data, discounting practices, and price data based on the templates and instructions we provide you.
Then we prepare a complete GSA proposal for you and provide you with an electronic copy ready for submittal.
One of the biggest benefits of outsourcing your GSA Processing to a seasoned professional is the negotiation process. GSA Contracting Officers are trained and certified negotiators whose mission is to get best pricing for the US Government.
Small Business Certifications
Enhance your marketing with Made and certify your business for federal set-asides
Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB)
Economically Disadvantaged WOSB (EDWOSB)
Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB)
Service-Disabled VOSB
8(a) Small Disadvantaged Business
Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)
Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone)
Our Clients
Why companies like Made?
Made's Support Services
for government contracting
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Our tech specialists are ready to share their industry expertise.
3,500 US dollars - Available OnlineRead More
Register your charitable business and file for income tax exemption!
3,500 US dollars - Available OnlineRead More
Let's talk about your project or new assignment in detail.
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Evaluate your business’ branding and marketing strategies to fill gaps...
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Empowering Artists for Business Development and Economic Success
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Empowering Your Business with Strategic Financial Expertise for Long-T...
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High-quality, appealing representation of your organization’s skills.
12,500 US dollars - Available OnlineRead More
We process and negotiate to obtain access to federal market.
20,000 US dollars - Available OnlineRead More
Differentiate your small business to win federal grants and contracts.
15,000 US dollars - Available OnlineRead More
We provide consulting hours for 1-1 assistance requested by clients.
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13,500 US dollars - Available OnlineRead More
Extensive 1-1 session with experts to enhance business development.
2,500 US dollars